Monday, October 19, 2009

Roads To Ride - aka The Bucket List For Bikers

There are roads, and then there are those roads that must have been engineered by an avid motorcyclist.  Like this one:

Kinda a bit like the Bear Tooth, just more of it !
Yoda - COTMS

Friday, October 2, 2009

Crater Lake

September 2002 - Crater Lake National Park, Oregon
John, Tim, John, Gary
Heading for the Oregon Coast.
Yoda - COTMS

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Whilst discussing certain roads that have been ridden...

Jimmy Strips riding to HanksvilleAnd Norm starting to wonder whether bringing his ST up the Devil's Backbone was really such a wonderful idea

Utah '09 ~ mostly all good

and what about....

...psychiatrists parked outside of bike shops?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Therapy!

" Who needs to spend money on something you can get for free!"
Yoda - COTMS

Thursday, September 17, 2009


An ongoing collection of totally useless bits and pieces, dredged up from the lowest portions of the www. Check back periodically for additions - but only if you really want to.
Click on the links, and use your browsers 'Back' button to return here.
Yoda - COTMS

Drivvle #1:

Drivvle #2:

Drivvle #3:
Actually, not really D.r.i.v.v.l.e, but a worthwhile read on the fine art of braking, as it applies to moving motorcycles:

Monday, September 14, 2009

Yellowstone, Beartooth and other semi-interesting locations

....the target was the Beartooth Pass. First time for us; Ray, Darryl, Norm, and me. The weather cooperated the roads and traffic was great and we were able to ride the Beartooth, Cody WY, Jackson Hole, Hell's Canyon, the Rattlesnake and home again in a week. All good by any standard.

...reportedly, this individual had run out of gas and was by self admission....."EXHAUSTED"   

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Cowboys, Scenery,Food, and Flats

Yup had it all at Puntzi Lake..Thanks John..for your hospitality, and your supervising the flats..I knew when I pulled into the campsite with a flat, you guys would beable to help out..and you did..what, five times..brutal.
Well, new shoes now..til next time..
Thanks too for the grub and wine boys..Always good too see you all again, seems it is far too long inbetween.
Well when I am as old as you all, maybe I will be have the same freedom aye..oh, hold it..I don't have a real pensions for me, will die working, but with luck I will be working on the bike..ha, now how good can that get..

Monday, August 31, 2009

Wheeze, Wheeze, Puff, Puff

So JAM slips into town, on the pretense that he is delivering stuff to daughter Lindsay. However, his real agenda was to entice these 2 old buggers out on the open road on PEDAL bikes, no less.
At least we had enough sense to insist that we do a loop around Pineview, which is, for the most part, flat.

As for "Proof Of Lif", well, lets just say that maybe JAM fried a few brain cells that evening at a BBQ'd ribs party, and forgot how to spell. Akvavit will do that to ya!

But, in the end, it was all good - short, but good.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Of Course I Remember!

Summer - 2001
As we passed through Radium, making our way west, to catch the ferry at Prince Rupert, gourmet dining was the order of the day.

And was enjoyed!
Well, we kinda froze most of our parts making our way west, and were fortunate enough to be able to hole up for a day at home in Prince George.
But things gradually improved, the weather got better, and after a refreshing after dinner apertif . . . .

We were back on the road.

Some things never change!
Ride Safe
Yoda - COTMS

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

So there we were....

The lads are on a late summer tour through Bella Coola, ferry down to Vancouver Island and winding their way back to Cranberry by early next week. Brings back some memories of Yoda and I travelling somewhat thataway a few years back.....
...the dog? Not sure, jm

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ya Ride On Whatever Is Available!

Author: Yoda - COTMS

So here we are, 40km west of Drumheller Alberta, at the north end of the Horseshoe Canyon. It was here, 100 years ago next year that my Grandfather was granted a homestead on a quarter section of virgin prairie.
We return there annually on the August long weekend, to celebrate our ancestry.
Antiques abound.
Like this 1927 John Deere tractor - a bit tricky to get going, but still runs.
And some other 'antiques' as well

Phil Sleeps Within

Okay, so picture this......

I'm driving into Kelowna to meet up with Tim & Jeff for a beer...
Overhead a squadron of F-18s is landing.... I pull into the local BMW dealer, I encounter "Phil", his machine and his trailer....en route to the BMW gathering in Nakusp.... My fascination with the aircraft is lost....

Phil, in his rubber boots, is scoping out a potential new ride with one of his riding buddies who is getting some repairs done....

Phil tells me he's logged about 2 million Ks world wide on various machines....
...when you meet Phil, its not the kind of statement you'd doubt... just takes a while for the brain to comprehend what you are seeing

He's not sure if he'll get a newer machine and tour more. It depends on the health of his wife and whether he lives long enough....

I'm betting on Phil riding a while longer....


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Have fun, play around with this, post some photos, write some stuff

Photo courtesy of Stu, me riding down the Moki in May/09.
See you in a week or two or more, jm

And a couple more from the way back club....

...'97 or maybe '98, Yoda and Tim at Ymir camp, then up on top of Logan Pass in Glacier, the day after the road opened. The night before was the nastiest, rain, lightning storm I'd ever ridden in or want to do again. All part of the adventure, jm

Dirt Road to Concunelly

For you Kooteney boys, there is some fantastic roads over this way, and not all dirt..though have discovered some..this was along time on the list..a short cutoff road from Loomis over to concunelly in washington..the pavement is grand as well..cold beers and nice camp spot at the end..

Idaho, last ride

Ten days or so of bliss, was riding alone, interesting times..lots of long talks and stuff..lots to see as well..not even sure what this crazy building is..junk store I think..In Idaho City..the old shovel apparently runs..the chair bringing tranquility to a already perfect spot,long winding road,

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Somewhere in Oregon

Hey, this might just work out fine. Keep it up, and pass it around. Looking forward to more of the same.

Another way back when shot. Oregon, late summer, Tim's bike loaded up & headed somewhere.

Giddly up..... jm

When do you change your Back Tire

Well, guess that would be when you can "almost" see the air..

...and now the rest of the story. This is Tim's tire, not Norm's as I assumed. But, Hey! within a very short time someone might just remind me of a certain sand and clutch issue, so my comments are, well, ya know, we live in these glass houses, jm

Is it a bird.....

At the Lethbridge Airshow on July 26th/09 with some fine fellows. Arrived via two wheels and watched magical displays of flight and static displays. Dodged serious weather on the way home, and the time was enjoyed by one and all JM

Why.....? ....Not

So it begins.... Riding, photos, writing, thoughts, comments, whatever comes up.