Monday, August 31, 2009

Wheeze, Wheeze, Puff, Puff

So JAM slips into town, on the pretense that he is delivering stuff to daughter Lindsay. However, his real agenda was to entice these 2 old buggers out on the open road on PEDAL bikes, no less.
At least we had enough sense to insist that we do a loop around Pineview, which is, for the most part, flat.

As for "Proof Of Lif", well, lets just say that maybe JAM fried a few brain cells that evening at a BBQ'd ribs party, and forgot how to spell. Akvavit will do that to ya!

But, in the end, it was all good - short, but good.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Of Course I Remember!

Summer - 2001
As we passed through Radium, making our way west, to catch the ferry at Prince Rupert, gourmet dining was the order of the day.

And was enjoyed!
Well, we kinda froze most of our parts making our way west, and were fortunate enough to be able to hole up for a day at home in Prince George.
But things gradually improved, the weather got better, and after a refreshing after dinner apertif . . . .

We were back on the road.

Some things never change!
Ride Safe
Yoda - COTMS

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

So there we were....

The lads are on a late summer tour through Bella Coola, ferry down to Vancouver Island and winding their way back to Cranberry by early next week. Brings back some memories of Yoda and I travelling somewhat thataway a few years back.....
...the dog? Not sure, jm

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ya Ride On Whatever Is Available!

Author: Yoda - COTMS

So here we are, 40km west of Drumheller Alberta, at the north end of the Horseshoe Canyon. It was here, 100 years ago next year that my Grandfather was granted a homestead on a quarter section of virgin prairie.
We return there annually on the August long weekend, to celebrate our ancestry.
Antiques abound.
Like this 1927 John Deere tractor - a bit tricky to get going, but still runs.
And some other 'antiques' as well

Phil Sleeps Within

Okay, so picture this......

I'm driving into Kelowna to meet up with Tim & Jeff for a beer...
Overhead a squadron of F-18s is landing.... I pull into the local BMW dealer, I encounter "Phil", his machine and his trailer....en route to the BMW gathering in Nakusp.... My fascination with the aircraft is lost....

Phil, in his rubber boots, is scoping out a potential new ride with one of his riding buddies who is getting some repairs done....

Phil tells me he's logged about 2 million Ks world wide on various machines....
...when you meet Phil, its not the kind of statement you'd doubt... just takes a while for the brain to comprehend what you are seeing

He's not sure if he'll get a newer machine and tour more. It depends on the health of his wife and whether he lives long enough....

I'm betting on Phil riding a while longer....
