Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Whilst discussing certain roads that have been ridden...

Jimmy Strips riding to HanksvilleAnd Norm starting to wonder whether bringing his ST up the Devil's Backbone was really such a wonderful idea

Utah '09 ~ mostly all good

and what about....

...psychiatrists parked outside of bike shops?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Therapy!

" Who needs to spend money on something you can get for free!"
Yoda - COTMS

Thursday, September 17, 2009


An ongoing collection of totally useless bits and pieces, dredged up from the lowest portions of the www. Check back periodically for additions - but only if you really want to.
Click on the links, and use your browsers 'Back' button to return here.
Yoda - COTMS

Drivvle #1:

Drivvle #2:

Drivvle #3:
Actually, not really D.r.i.v.v.l.e, but a worthwhile read on the fine art of braking, as it applies to moving motorcycles:

Monday, September 14, 2009

Yellowstone, Beartooth and other semi-interesting locations

....the target was the Beartooth Pass. First time for us; Ray, Darryl, Norm, and me. The weather cooperated the roads and traffic was great and we were able to ride the Beartooth, Cody WY, Jackson Hole, Hell's Canyon, the Rattlesnake and home again in a week. All good by any standard.

...reportedly, this individual had run out of gas and was by self admission....."EXHAUSTED"   

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Cowboys, Scenery,Food, and Flats

Yup had it all at Puntzi Lake..Thanks John..for your hospitality, and your supervising the flats..I knew when I pulled into the campsite with a flat, you guys would beable to help out..and you did..what, five times..brutal.
Well, new shoes now..til next time..
Thanks too for the grub and wine boys..Always good too see you all again, seems it is far too long inbetween.
Well when I am as old as you all, maybe I will be have the same freedom aye..oh, hold it..I don't have a real pensions for me, will die working, but with luck I will be working on the bike..ha, now how good can that get..