Friday, May 20, 2011

There's this stretch of road......

....between Kalso and New Denver BC that is one of the sweetest to ride on most days and on some days its just about perfect.  This was one of those days.

As I was looking out at the snow in the mountains another rider cruised by.  I think he gets it, and while it isn't always this great, these kind of days do bring you back and centre a guy.

En route from Jasper to Drayton Valley on the same trip, I was meandering along at a sedate pace and watching the reflections in peaceful Lake Talbot.  Sometimes the road is just access to where we need to be.

its these captured moments that make up for the heavy rain going into PG and the windstorms on the flats in Alberta.  As I've heard at least once...all good    jm

and if you want another perspective from an interesting bike builder try: